Joining the Columbia Board of REALTORS® as an Affiliate will provide you and your company access to 700+ real estate professionals in Mid-Missouri!
Affiliate Membership benefits are highlighted in the application links below.
Reach out to CBOR at today to learn more about the value of Columbia Board of REALTORS® Affiliate Membership!
Become an Affiliate Today:
- Have fun, network, and participate at CBOR events
- Listed on the CBOR Website Affiliate Directory
- Added sponsorship opportunities
- Advertising in the Weekly REAL Source e-newsletter!
Become an Affiliate with Key Access:
- Enjoy the same benefits of being a CBOR Affiliate with the added convenience of Supra eKey access on your smartphone!*
- Those identified as eligible for eKey consideration at this time are: pest control operators/inspectors, radon inspectors, home inspectors, chimney inspectors, HVAC inspectors, mold inspectors, roof inspectors,
foundation inspectors, professional home stagers, builders/contractors, and professional photographers. - Optional ShowingTime access*
*pending CBOR Board of Directors approval - Those Affiliates seeking Supra eKey and/or ShowingTime access will be required to submit the following to CBOR prior to eKey/ShowingTime access being granted:
- Copy of Drivers License
- City/County issued Business License
- Certificate of Liability Insurance of at least $1,000,000.00 naming the Columbia Board of REALTORS® Inc. as an additional insured
- All individual Affiliate members seeking key access, as well as the Owner(s) of the Company, must sign and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of a Keyholder Lease Agreement, with the provider of the Keyholder products and services, on a form to be provided by the Columbia Board of REALTORS®
- Completed Background questionnaire